Kanon – Episode 10
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Kanon – Episode 10

“Requiem Atop the Hill” “Oka no Ue no Chinkonka ~requiem~” (丘の上の鎮魂歌 〜requiem〜) Makoto’s story finally comes to a resolution, while she spends her last moments bonding with her newly found…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 2

アゲイン Again

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 22
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 22

神様にようこそ! Kamisama ni Yōkoso! Welcome to God! Tatsuhiro and Hitomi spend New Year’s Eve together in Tokyo talking about their lives. Tatsuhiro can’t help himself from continuously dreaming about being…

Kanon – Episode 9
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Kanon – Episode 9

“The Berceuse of the Baby Fox” “Kogitsune no Komoriuta ~berceuse~” (子狐の子守歌 〜berceuse〜) Makoto’s strength starts deteriorating as Yuichi finally remembers everything about her. As her condition is worsening, Yuichi begins…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 21
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 21

リセットにようこそ! Risetto ni Yōkoso! Welcome to the Reset! Tatsuhiro and Kaoru are ecstatic as they review the completed version of the True World eroge they created together. Their enthusiasm is,…

Kanon – Episode 8
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Kanon – Episode 8

“The Fantasia of Reminiscence” “Tsuioku no Gensōkyoku ~fantasie~” (追憶の幻想曲 〜fantasie〜) Yuichi starts to spend more and more time with Makoto, and they become closer. However, a girl named Mishio Amano…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 20
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 20

冬の日にようこそ! Fuyu no Hi ni Yōkoso! Welcome to Winter Days! Problems with the health of Kaoru’s father heralds his return home to the farm where the family has planned his…

Kanon – Episode 7
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Kanon – Episode 7

“The Runaway and the Kitten’s Fugue” “Iede to Koneko no Tonsōkyoku ~fuga~” (家出と仔猫の遁走曲 〜fuga〜) Makoto starts her job working at a local nursery, and while walking home with Yuichi, they…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 19
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 19

青い鳥にようこそ! Aoi Tori ni Yōkoso! Welcome to the Bluebird! Megumi tells her tale of woe. Tatsuhiro talks to Yuichi via the game. The Mouse Road Corporation is found out and…

Kanon – Episode 6
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Kanon – Episode 6

“A Mysterious Divertimento” “Nazodarake no Kiyūkyoku ~divertimento~” (謎だらけの嬉遊曲 〜divertimento〜) Yuichi wants Makoto to get a job in order to become more of a social person who has more common sense….

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 18
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 18

ノーフューチャーにようこそ! Nō Fyūchā ni Yōkoso! Welcome to No Future! Realizing he has been tricked, Tatsuhiro meets with Megumi to call the deal off. Although, she seems willing to let him…

Kanon – Episode 5
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Kanon – Episode 5

“Demon’s Serenade” “Mamonotachi no Sayokyoku ~serenade~” (魔物たちの小夜曲 〜serenade〜) Yuichi runs into Mai and her friend, Sayuri Kurata, who invites him to eat lunch with them. When Makoto goes to buy…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 17
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 17

はぴねすにようこそ! Hapinesu ni Yōkoso! Welcome to Happiness! Tatsuhiro meets up with an old high school friend, his class representative Megumi Kobayashi. When he divulges to her about being a hikikomori,…

Kanon – Episode 4
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Kanon – Episode 4

“Holiday Caprice” “Kyūjitsu no Kisōkyoku ~caprice~” (休日の奇想曲 〜caprice〜) Yuichi reminisces about events of the past seven years ago concerning his first meeting with Ayu. Nayuki makes Yuichi return to school…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 16
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 16

ゲームオーバーにようこそ! Gēmu Ōbā ni Yōkoso! Welcome to the Game Over! Misaki walks in to a rather disheveled Tatsuhiro within a cluttered room, as he has apparently relapsed into his old…

Kanon – Episode 3
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Kanon – Episode 3

“A Forgotten Partita” “Kioku no nai Kumikyoku ~partita~” (記憶のない組曲 〜partita〜) Bringing the girl that attacked him home, Yuichi finds out she has amnesia and it quickly becomes apparent that the…

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 15
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 15

ファンタジーにようこそ! Fantajī ni Yōkoso! Welcome to the Fantasy! Tatsuhiro deliberately searches for a job after learning that his allowance is cut in half. Ultimately, he decides to join a MMORPG…

Kanon – Episode 2
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Kanon – Episode 2

“Introit in the Snow” “Yuki no Naka no Nyūsaishō ~introit~” (雪の中の入祭唱 〜introit〜) Today is Yuichi’s first day at the local high school, and is admitted into Nayuki’s class. As Yuichi…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 1

ファーストコンタクト First Contact

Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 14
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Welcome to the N.H.K – Episode 14

現実(リアル)にようこそ! Riaru ni Yōkoso! Welcome to Reality! After recovering from the offline meeting, the group ends up getting checked into a hot springs resort courtesy of Jōgasaki, who also contacts…