School Days – Episode 5
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School Days – Episode 5

“Ripple” “Hamon” (波紋) Makoto and Kotonoha go to the pool for a date on the same day as Sekai and 6 of her friends. At the pool, it’s clear that…

School Days – Episode 4
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School Days – Episode 4

“Purity” “Muku” (無垢) Makoto wants to develop his way of expressing himself. He was on the school’s rooftop with Kotonoha when he tried to get close to her, but didn’t…

School Days – Episode 3
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School Days – Episode 3

“Crossing Thoughts” “Surechigau Omoi” (擦れ違う想い) When Kotonoha first started dating Makoto, they did not mesh well together. Makoto’s thoughts were all over the place thinking about Kotonoha. He saw Kotonoha…

School Days – Episode 2
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School Days – Episode 2

“The Distance Between the Two of Them” “Futari no Kyori” (二人の距離) Makoto and Kotonoha go on their first date together, and Makoto’s heart and mind are in a whirlwind of…

School Days – Episode 1
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School Days – Episode 1

“Confession” “Kokuhaku” (告白) During the freshmen orientation, Ito Makoto met Katsura Kotonoha and immediately developed a crush on her. They would ride on the same train together every morning, and…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 4

リビルト Rebuilt

Kanon – Episode 24
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Kanon – Episode 24

“Canon at the End of the Dream” “Yume no Hate no Tsuifukukyoku ~kanon~” (夢の果ての追復曲 〜kanon〜) A miracle occurs and everyone is healed of their illness or injury. Mai, Sayuri and…

Kanon – Episode 23
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Kanon – Episode 23

“The Scarlet Red Finale” “Akane-iro no Shūkyoku ~finale~” (茜色の終曲 〜finale〜) Waking up in an apartment, Yuichi meets an old acquaintance who he admired as a child named Makoto Sawatari. Back…

Kanon – Episode 22
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Kanon – Episode 22

“Symphony of Recollections” “Tsuisō no Kōkyōgaku ~symphony~” (追想の交響楽 〜symphony〜) As Akiko lies in the intensive care unit, Nayuki becomes deeply depressed. Locking herself in her bedroom, she refuses to leave….

Kanon – Episode 21
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Kanon – Episode 21

“The Rondo Without You” “Kimi no Inai Rinbukyoku ~ronde~” (君のいない輪舞曲 〜ronde〜) Ayu still has not come back, and Yuichi continues to search for her and her lost item. In the…

Kanon – Episode 20
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Kanon – Episode 20

“The Nocturne of Farewell” “Wakare no Yasōkyoku ~nocturn~” (別れの夜想曲 〜nocturn〜) As Yuichi and Ayu grow closer, Nayuki feels that she is being neglected by him. Ayu finally leads Yuichi to…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 3

トゥルース Truth

Kanon – Episode 19
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Posted in Kanon

Kanon – Episode 19

“The Étude of Contact” “Fureai no Renshūkyoku ~étude~” (ふれあいの練習曲 〜étude〜) The annual track meet tournament has come up, and Nayuki competes to win along with the rest of her teammates….

Kanon – Episode 18
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Kanon – Episode 18

“The Disappearing Adagio” “Kiesari Yuku Kanjogakushō ~adagio~” (消え去りゆく緩徐楽章 〜adagio〜) Shiori’s birthday is days away and Yuichi wants to throw her a birthday party at a local café. He invites many…

Kanon – Episode 17
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Kanon – Episode 17

“Lieder ohne Worte of an Elder Sister and a Younger Sister” “Ane to Imōto no Mugonka ~Lieder ohne worte~” (姉と妹の無言歌 〜Lieder ohne worte〜) With Shiori’s birthday coming, Yuichi decides that…

Kanon – Episode 16
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Kanon – Episode 16

“Midnight Oratorio” “Mayonaka no Seitankyoku ~oratorio~” (真夜中の聖譚曲 〜oratorio〜) Keeping his promise to Shiori, Yuichi offers to take her around town for the day to some of Shiori’s favorite places. During…

Kanon – Episode 15
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Kanon – Episode 15

“Sonatina of Hide-and-Go-Seek” “Kakurenbo no Kosōmeikyoku ~sonatina~” (かくれんぼの小奏鳴曲 〜sonatina〜) Yuichi and Mai continue to battle the monsters, and when Yuichi is attacked, he is shown something he should not have…

Kanon – Episode 14
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Kanon – Episode 14

“A Cracked Concerto” “Hibiwareta Kyōsōkyoku ~concerto~” (ひびわれた協奏曲 〜concerto〜) Sayuri is starting to get more worried about Mai and Yuichi, which causes Mai to try to drive her away in order…

Kanon – Episode 13
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Kanon – Episode 13

“A Dangerous Trio” “Abunage na Sanjūsō ~trio~” (あぶなげな三重奏 〜trio〜) After what happened at the ball, the student council president Kuze attempts to get Mai expelled, and Yuichi tries to get…

Kanon – Episode 12
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Kanon – Episode 12

“A Strange-Looking Waltz” “Igyō no Enbukyoku ~waltz~” (異形の円舞曲 〜waltz〜) Yuichi is starting to remember more about his past encounters with Ayu seven years ago, and the time he gave her…