Bakemonogatari – Episode 15
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Posted in Bakemonogatari Original Net Animation (ONA)

Bakemonogatari – Episode 15

つばさキャット 其ノ伍 Tsubasa Cat Sono Go Tsubasa Cat – Part 5

Bakemonogatari – Episode 14
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Posted in Bakemonogatari Original Net Animation (ONA)

Bakemonogatari – Episode 14

つばさキャット 其ノ肆 Tsubasa Cat Sono Yon Tsubasa Cat – Part 4 After supressing the bakeneko, Oshino explains Hanekawa’s situation to Araragi. Araragi realizes that he may need Shinobu’s powers to…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 13
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Posted in Bakemonogatari Original Net Animation (ONA)

Bakemonogatari – Episode 13

つばさキャット 其ノ參 Tsubasa Cat Sono San Tsubasa Cat – Part 3 On the way to school, Koyomi finds Hachikuji in the middle of the street and assaults her in a…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 12
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 12

つばさキャット 其ノ貮 Tsubasa Cat Sono Ni Tsubasa Cat – Part 2 Hitagi and Koyomi are having lunch. Her teases him and roughly “asks” him to go on a date. He…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 11
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 11

つばさキャット 其ノ壹 Tsubasa Cat Sono Ichi Tsubasa Cat – Part 1 After school Koyomi finds Nadeko and they talk about how Shinobu looked at her and Suruga with a different…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 10
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 10

なでこスネイク 其ノ貳 Nadeko Snake Sono Ni Nadeko Snake – Part 2 Oshino informs Koyomi that Nadeko is under the effects of a Snake Constrictor, a snake spirit that slowly constricts…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 9
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 9

なでこスネイク 其ノ壹 Nadeko Snake Sono Ichi Nadeko Snake – Part 1 Koyomi and Suruga travel to an abandoned shrine in order to perform a favor for Oshino. As they climb…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 8
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 8

するがモンキー 其ノ參 Suruga Monkey Sono San Suruga Monkey – Part 3 Inheriting a mummified hand from her mother, Suruga first wished on it in 4th grade to run quickly so…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 7
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 7

するがモンキー 其ノ貳 Suruga Monkey Sono Ni Suruga Monkey – Part 2 Hitagi says she believes that Koyomi was hit by a car. He says he stumbled, which she seems to…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 6
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 6

するがモンキー 其ノ壹 Suruga Monkey Sono Ichi Suruga Monkey – Part 1 Koyomi needs to study for upcoming exams and is on his way to Hitagi’s house for help when Hachikuji…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 5
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 5

まよいマイマイ 其ノ參 Mayoi Maimai Sono San Mayoi Snail – Part 3 While waiting for Hitagi to arrive, Koyomi begins to find out more about Hachikuji’s life. She is the only…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 4
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 4

まよいマイマイ 其ノ貳 Mayoi Maimai Sono Ni Mayoi Snail – Part 2 After talking with Hachikuji, Koyomi discovers that the young girl is trying to get to her mother’s house. However,…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 3
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 3

まよいマイマイ 其ノ壹 Mayoi Maimai Sono Ichi Mayoi Snail – Part 1 Koyomi Araragi sits in the centre of a vast playground, reminiscing about his mother, and his mountain bike. He…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 2
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Bakemonogatari – Episode 2

ひたぎクラブ 其の貳 Hitagi Crab Sono Ni Hitagi Crab – Part 2 At Hitagi Senjōgahara’s home Hitagi contemplates her past as she showers, Koyomi Araragi waits for her. Earlier Hitagi was…

Bakemonogatari – Episode 1
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Posted in Bakemonogatari

Bakemonogatari – Episode 1

ひたぎクラブ 其の壹 Hitagi Crab Sono Ichi Hitagi Crab – Part 1 Koyomi Araragi catches Hitagi Senjougahara as she falls down from a great height, Koyomi immediately notices that Hitagi weighs…

Karin – Episode 24
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Karin – Episode 24

It is Embarrassing to be Together Always

Karin – Episode 23
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Karin – Episode 23

Farewell is Embarrassing

Karin – Episode 22
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Karin – Episode 22

Embarrassed Like a Lost Child

Karin – Episode 21
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Karin – Episode 21

What Should I Do, This is Embarrassing

Karin – Episode 20
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Karin – Episode 20

This is the First… It`s Embarrassing