K-On!! – Episode 12
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K-On!! – Episode 12

“Summer Festival!” “Natsu Fesu!” (夏フェス!) With summer vacation starting, everyone initially decides to do another training camp, but instead they decide this year to go to a summer rock festival…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 12

Knockin` on Heaven`s Door As the girls of Girls Dead Monster and many other SSS members decide to pass on, Otonashi and the others continue to fight off the other…

K-On!! – Episode 11
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K-On!! – Episode 11

“Hot!” “Atsui!” (暑い!) During an unbearably hot day, the girls have trouble beating off the heat and also notice Ton shedding in its current aquarium tank. After dragging Sawako away…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 11

Change the World Hinata and Naoi argue about who should help Otonashi when a shadow monster suddenly attacks Naoi, but Otonashi and Hinata are able to destroy it in time….

K-On!! – Episode 10
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K-On!! – Episode 10

“Teacher!” “Sensei!” (先生!) After Sawako gets a call on her phone from someone in the clubroom, the girls decide to follow her. They find her meeting up with one of…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 10

Goodbye Days Otonashi tells Kanade that the first person they should try to get to pass on is Yui because he believes her to have little left to fulfill, only…

K-On!! – Episode 9
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K-On!! – Episode 9

“Finals!” “Kimatsu Shiken!” (期末試験!) As finals approach, Yui struggles with her studies. One of Yui’s neighbors, a kindly old lady who is always taken care of her, tells Yui about…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 9

In Your Memory Otonashi stays by Kanade’s side while she is unconscious after absorbing the many ruthless Angels. The SSS decide to rewrite some of her programs as a temporary…

K-On!! – Episode 8
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K-On!! – Episode 8

“Career!” “Shinro!” (進路!) While filling out university choice forms, Yui and Ritsu get in trouble for not being decisive enough about their future. Nodoka tells the others about how Yui…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 8

Dancer in the Dark The SSS try to defend themselves against the red-eyed Kanade, but it takes the original Kanade to stop her by stabbing her, only to get stabbed…

K-On!! – Episode 7
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K-On!! – Episode 7

“Tea Party!” “Ochakai!” (お茶会!) Mio gets the feeling that someone is watching her, making her feel uneasy, though it turns out to be because she had a sticker on her…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 7

Alive Yuri gets Naoi, who has joined the SSS, to use hypnosis on Otonashi so he can regain his memories. In life, Otonashi visited his bedridden younger sister Hatsune in…

K-On!! – Episode 6
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K-On!! – Episode 6

“Rainy Season!” “Tsuyu!” (梅雨!) On a very rainy day, Yui gets completely soaked trying to keep her guitar from getting wet. While Yui lets her clothes dry, she temporarily wears…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 6

Family Affair After the SSS members are removed from the reflection room, Yuri suggests everyone try to create disturbances in class to see how far they can go without Naoi…

K-On!! – Episode 5
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K-On!! – Episode 5

“Staying Behind!” “Orusuban!” (お留守番!) Azusa, along with her classmates Ui and Jun, spend time together while the light music club seniors are on their trip to Kyoto. Noticing that Ui…

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Angel Beats! – Episode 5

Favorite Flavor During the exam period, Yuri wants to make Angel fail all her tests so as to make her lose her status in the school. For the plan to…

K-On!! – Episode 4
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K-On!! – Episode 4

“Field Trip!” “Shūgaku Ryokō!” (修学旅行!) The light music club seniors go on a school field trip to Kyoto. On the train there, Mio is a little annoyed at Yui and…

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Posted in Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! – Episode 4

Day Game With Iwasawa gone, Yui suggests she take Iwasawa’s place as the vocalist, but the other SSS members do not agree. Yuri suggests that the SSS illegally participate in…

K-On!! – Episode 3
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K-On!! – Episode 3

“Drummer!” “Doramā!” (ドラマー!) After noticing how badly she shows up in videos of the band’s performances, Ritsu decides she does not want to be the drummer anymore as she does…

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Angel Beats! – Episode 3

My Song Yuri decides to have Girls Dead Monster distract Angel long enough to sneak into her room and crack the password on her computer, but Yuri does not think…