Samurai Champloo – Episode 25
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 25

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 2)” “Circle of Transmigration 2 / Shōji Ruten sono ni” (生死流転 其之弐) As Jin duels Kagetoki Kariya, the most powerful man in the shogunate, Mugen has to…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 24
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 24

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 1)” “Circle of Transmigration 1 / Shōji Ruten sono ichi” (生死流転 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin have finally arrived in Nagasaki to find Ikitsuki island in search…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 23
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 23

“Baseball Blues” “Heart and Soul Into the Ball / Ikkyū Nyūkon” (一球入魂) An American sea vessel arrives in town and a canny ninja-turned-team manager enlists our heroes to do battle…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 22
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 22

“Cosmic Collisions” “Anger Shot Toward Heaven / Dohatsu Shōten” (怒髪衝天) On the way to Nagasaki the trio fall through a mine shaft. They’re introduced to its charismatic owner and start…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 21
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 21

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2)” “Generous Elegy 2 / Hikakōgai sono ni” (悲歌慷慨 其之弐) Jin learns the Way of Water, a woman’s sorrow comes to an end, and Mugen both…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 20
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 20

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 1)” “Generous Elegy 1 / Hikakōgai sono ichi” (悲歌慷慨 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin meet up with a blind girl who is a traveling musician. Because…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 19
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 19

“Unholy Union” “Karma and Retribution / Ingaōhō” (因果応報) A cynical charlatan fleeces the hidden Christian flock, Fuu gets closer to the Sunflower Samurai, and a truth is finally revealed.

Samurai Champloo – Episode 18
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 18

“War of the Words” “Pen in One Hand, Sword in the Other / Bunburyōdō” (文武両道) Fuu gets a facelift when kids trade in the sword for the graffiti brush; Jin…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 17
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 17

“Lullabies of the Lost (Verse 2)” “Idling One’s Life Away, second verse / Suiseimushi futa yume” (酔生夢死 ふた夢) Jin ends a life he hoped to spare. Continuation of the last…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 16
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 16

“Lullabies of the Lost (Verse 1)” “Idling One’s Life Away, first verse / Suiseimushi hito yume” (酔生夢死 ひと夢) Mugen, Jin and Fuu get into a quarrel and separate, and have…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 15
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 15

“Bogus Booty” “Through and Through / Tettō Tetsubi” (徹頭徹尾) The shogun’s prettiest ninja ends up giving Mugen an evening that he will never forget. Meanwhile, Fuu gets large from eating…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 14
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 14

“Misguided Miscreants (Part 2)” “Dark Night’s Road 2 / An’ya Kōro sono ni” (暗夜行路 其之弐) When Mugen finds out what the pirate was planning to do, he gets his revenge.

Samurai Champloo – Episode 13
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 13

“Misguided Miscreants (Part 1)” “Dark Night’s Road 1 / An’ya Kōro sono ichi” (暗夜行路 其之壱) Mugen’s past memories lure him back into his violent past; a pirate makes secret plans….

Samurai Champloo – Episode 12
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 12

“The Disorder Diaries” “Learning from the Past / Onkochishin” (温故知新) Mugen steals Fuu’s diary that she has been keeping since they first started on their journey to find the sunflower…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 11
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 11

“Gamblers and Gallantry” “Fallen Angel / Daraku Tenshi” (堕落天使) Jin comes to the rescue of a lady in distress. He falls in love and tries to rescue this woman from…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 10
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 10

“Lethal Lunacy” “Fighting Fire With Fire / Idoku Seidoku)” (以毒制毒) Mugen faces the lethal challenge of a Shaolin-trained swordsman and proves equal to the test, while Jin gets stuck doing…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 9
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 9

“Beatbox Bandits” “Evil Spirits of Mountain and Stream / Chimimōryō” (魑魅魍魎) Mugen, Jin, and Fuu need to cross a border so they purchase travel passes since they don’t have any….

Samurai Champloo – Episode 8
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 8

“The Art of Altercation” “Self-Conceit / Yuigadokuson” (唯我独尊) A singing swordsman hunts for Jin has been challenging any samurai wearing glasses he can find, accompanied by a beat-boxing duo of…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 7
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 7

“A Risky Racket” “Surrounded on all Sides / Shimensoka” (四面楚歌) While Fuu, Jin, and Mugen are going to get some soup, Fuu’s purse is stolen by a thief in the…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 6
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 6

“Stranger Searching” “Redheaded Foreigner / Akage Ijin” (赤毛異人) The trio enters into an eating competition with Mugen and Jin’s swords on the line. After a mysterious man wins the eating…