Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – Episode 2
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Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – Episode 2

“The Situation Beneath the Surface” “Suimenka no Jōkei” (水面下の状景) Sousuke and Kazama investigate who is posting embarrassing and revealing pictures of Kaname on the internet. Meanwhile, Amalgam operatives led by…

Da Capo Second Season – Episode 3
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Da Capo Second Season – Episode 3

ひとつ屋根の下 Hitotsu yane no shita Beneath the Same Roof After learning that Grandma Yoshino had long since pass away, and when Jun’ichi inadvertently showed his only magical skill because he…

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Posted in Shuffle!

Shuffle! – Episode 2

会いたくて! Aitakute! I Wanted to See You! After a few days of adjusting to his new neighbors, Rin is starting to find it hard to cope with the recent changes…

Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – Episode 1
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Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – Episode 1

“Ending Day by Day” “Owaru Hibi” (終わる日々) Mithril and the SRT rescue refugees caught in a civil war in the African country of Balic. However, during the fighting, they discover…

Da Capo Second Season – Episode 2
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Da Capo Second Season – Episode 2

読めない地図 Yomenai Chizu Unreadable Map Jun’ichi and Kotori decide to skip school and help the girl, Aisia, find her destination on a rain-soaked map written in a foreign language. Jun’ichi…

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Posted in Shuffle!

Shuffle! – Episode 1

神にも悪魔にもなれる男! Kami ni mo Mazoku ni mo Nareru Otoko! The Man Who Could Become a God or a Demon! Rin is enjoying a rather normal life living with his childhood…

Da Capo Second Season – Episode 1
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Da Capo Second Season – Episode 1

あれから2年… Are kara ninen… Two Years Since Then… Jun’ichi, with the help of his group of friends (the self-appointed “Support Team”), manages his daily life in Nemu’s absence for two…

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Posted in Elfen Lied Original Video Animation (OVA)

Elfen Lied – OVA

通り雨にて 或いは、少女はいかにしてその心情に至ったか? Tōriame ni te arui wa, shōjo wa ikani shi te sono shinjō ni itatta ka? In the Passing Rain, Or, How Can a Girl Have Reached Such Feelings?…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 26
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 26

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 3)” “Circle of Transmigration 3 / Shōji Ruten sono san” (生死流転 其之参) As Fuu finally confronts the Sunflower Samurai, Mugen and Jin face their ultimate tests. While…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 25
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 25

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 2)” “Circle of Transmigration 2 / Shōji Ruten sono ni” (生死流転 其之弐) As Jin duels Kagetoki Kariya, the most powerful man in the shogunate, Mugen has to…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 24
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 24

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 1)” “Circle of Transmigration 1 / Shōji Ruten sono ichi” (生死流転 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin have finally arrived in Nagasaki to find Ikitsuki island in search…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 23
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 23

“Baseball Blues” “Heart and Soul Into the Ball / Ikkyū Nyūkon” (一球入魂) An American sea vessel arrives in town and a canny ninja-turned-team manager enlists our heroes to do battle…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 22
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 22

“Cosmic Collisions” “Anger Shot Toward Heaven / Dohatsu Shōten” (怒髪衝天) On the way to Nagasaki the trio fall through a mine shaft. They’re introduced to its charismatic owner and start…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 21
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 21

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2)” “Generous Elegy 2 / Hikakōgai sono ni” (悲歌慷慨 其之弐) Jin learns the Way of Water, a woman’s sorrow comes to an end, and Mugen both…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 20
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 20

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 1)” “Generous Elegy 1 / Hikakōgai sono ichi” (悲歌慷慨 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin meet up with a blind girl who is a traveling musician. Because…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 19
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 19

“Unholy Union” “Karma and Retribution / Ingaōhō” (因果応報) A cynical charlatan fleeces the hidden Christian flock, Fuu gets closer to the Sunflower Samurai, and a truth is finally revealed.

Samurai Champloo – Episode 18
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 18

“War of the Words” “Pen in One Hand, Sword in the Other / Bunburyōdō” (文武両道) Fuu gets a facelift when kids trade in the sword for the graffiti brush; Jin…

Genshiken – Episode 12
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Genshiken – Episode 12

“Countermeasures for Issues that Arise during the Reorganization of a Group” “Soshiki no Saikōchiku-ji ni Hassei suru Kadai to Taisaku” (組織の再構築時に発生する課題と対策) The club is depressed due to their punishment of…

Genshiken – Episode 11
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Genshiken – Episode 11

“On the Presence of Malicious Intent in Urban Crimes” “Toshi-gata Hanzai ni okeru Akui no Shozai-ron” (都市型犯罪における悪意の所在論) Kasukabe decides the club room needs a cleanup, but an accident causes Genshiken…

Genshiken – Episode 10
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Genshiken – Episode 10

“The Fetishism of Leisure Time Expenditures Considered by their Economic Result” “Keizai Kōka kara Kangaeru Yoka Shōhi no Fetishizumu” (経済効果から考える余暇消費のフェティシズム) The club, along with Keiko, pays a visit to the…