Kanon – Episode 21
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Kanon – Episode 21

“The Rondo Without You” “Kimi no Inai Rinbukyoku ~ronde~” (君のいない輪舞曲 〜ronde〜) Ayu still has not come back, and Yuichi continues to search for her and her lost item. In the…

Kanon – Episode 20
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Kanon – Episode 20

“The Nocturne of Farewell” “Wakare no Yasōkyoku ~nocturn~” (別れの夜想曲 〜nocturn〜) As Yuichi and Ayu grow closer, Nayuki feels that she is being neglected by him. Ayu finally leads Yuichi to…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 3

トゥルース Truth

Kanon – Episode 19
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Kanon – Episode 19

“The Étude of Contact” “Fureai no Renshūkyoku ~étude~” (ふれあいの練習曲 〜étude〜) The annual track meet tournament has come up, and Nayuki competes to win along with the rest of her teammates….

Kanon – Episode 18
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Kanon – Episode 18

“The Disappearing Adagio” “Kiesari Yuku Kanjogakushō ~adagio~” (消え去りゆく緩徐楽章 〜adagio〜) Shiori’s birthday is days away and Yuichi wants to throw her a birthday party at a local café. He invites many…

Kanon – Episode 17
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Kanon – Episode 17

“Lieder ohne Worte of an Elder Sister and a Younger Sister” “Ane to Imōto no Mugonka ~Lieder ohne worte~” (姉と妹の無言歌 〜Lieder ohne worte〜) With Shiori’s birthday coming, Yuichi decides that…

Kanon – Episode 16
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Kanon – Episode 16

“Midnight Oratorio” “Mayonaka no Seitankyoku ~oratorio~” (真夜中の聖譚曲 〜oratorio〜) Keeping his promise to Shiori, Yuichi offers to take her around town for the day to some of Shiori’s favorite places. During…

Kanon – Episode 15
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Kanon – Episode 15

“Sonatina of Hide-and-Go-Seek” “Kakurenbo no Kosōmeikyoku ~sonatina~” (かくれんぼの小奏鳴曲 〜sonatina〜) Yuichi and Mai continue to battle the monsters, and when Yuichi is attacked, he is shown something he should not have…

Kanon – Episode 14
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Kanon – Episode 14

“A Cracked Concerto” “Hibiwareta Kyōsōkyoku ~concerto~” (ひびわれた協奏曲 〜concerto〜) Sayuri is starting to get more worried about Mai and Yuichi, which causes Mai to try to drive her away in order…

Kanon – Episode 13
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Kanon – Episode 13

“A Dangerous Trio” “Abunage na Sanjūsō ~trio~” (あぶなげな三重奏 〜trio〜) After what happened at the ball, the student council president Kuze attempts to get Mai expelled, and Yuichi tries to get…

Kanon – Episode 12
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Kanon – Episode 12

“A Strange-Looking Waltz” “Igyō no Enbukyoku ~waltz~” (異形の円舞曲 〜waltz〜) Yuichi is starting to remember more about his past encounters with Ayu seven years ago, and the time he gave her…

Kanon – Episode 11
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Kanon – Episode 11

“Intermezzo of Light and Shadow” “Hikari to Kage no Kansōkyoku ~intermezzo~” (光と影の間奏曲 〜intermezzo〜) Mai is called to the school’s office, under the suspicion that she has broken one of the…

Kanon – Episode 10
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Kanon – Episode 10

“Requiem Atop the Hill” “Oka no Ue no Chinkonka ~requiem~” (丘の上の鎮魂歌 〜requiem〜) Makoto’s story finally comes to a resolution, while she spends her last moments bonding with her newly found…

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Posted in Baldr Force Exe

Baldr Force Exe Resolution – Episode 2

アゲイン Again

Kanon – Episode 9
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Kanon – Episode 9

“The Berceuse of the Baby Fox” “Kogitsune no Komoriuta ~berceuse~” (子狐の子守歌 〜berceuse〜) Makoto’s strength starts deteriorating as Yuichi finally remembers everything about her. As her condition is worsening, Yuichi begins…

Kanon – Episode 8
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Kanon – Episode 8

“The Fantasia of Reminiscence” “Tsuioku no Gensōkyoku ~fantasie~” (追憶の幻想曲 〜fantasie〜) Yuichi starts to spend more and more time with Makoto, and they become closer. However, a girl named Mishio Amano…

Kanon – Episode 7
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Kanon – Episode 7

“The Runaway and the Kitten’s Fugue” “Iede to Koneko no Tonsōkyoku ~fuga~” (家出と仔猫の遁走曲 〜fuga〜) Makoto starts her job working at a local nursery, and while walking home with Yuichi, they…

Kanon – Episode 6
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Kanon – Episode 6

“A Mysterious Divertimento” “Nazodarake no Kiyūkyoku ~divertimento~” (謎だらけの嬉遊曲 〜divertimento〜) Yuichi wants Makoto to get a job in order to become more of a social person who has more common sense….

Kanon – Episode 5
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Kanon – Episode 5

“Demon’s Serenade” “Mamonotachi no Sayokyoku ~serenade~” (魔物たちの小夜曲 〜serenade〜) Yuichi runs into Mai and her friend, Sayuri Kurata, who invites him to eat lunch with them. When Makoto goes to buy…

Kanon – Episode 4
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Kanon – Episode 4

“Holiday Caprice” “Kyūjitsu no Kisōkyoku ~caprice~” (休日の奇想曲 〜caprice〜) Yuichi reminisces about events of the past seven years ago concerning his first meeting with Ayu. Nayuki makes Yuichi return to school…