Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi – Episode 1

Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi – Episode 1

“Her Majesty, the Queen’s Zero”
“Joō-heika no Zero” (女王陛下のゼロ)

Saito is overjoyed to find himself back in Japan, having returned in the Zero. When he finds that Louise is not with him, Saito realizes that returning without her has no meaning anymore. The fighter crashes and Saito awakens to find that it was all a dream and that he is still in Halkeginia. He hugs Louise, grateful for her presence which embarrasses her. She explains that she’s grateful that he stayed behind for her sake and will stop her demeaning practices including letting him sleep in her bed. The next day, she gives Saito a pair of magical glasses whose gems blink whenever he so much as looks at another girl. She, of course, reacts in typical fashion and punishes him for his indiscretions. Later that day while watching newly crowned Queen Henrietta parade through the streets of the town, Saito’s glasses start blinking and Louise overreacts again leading to Saito’s imprisonment as a suspected assassin. Louise attempts to free him but is turned away by Agnès. Henrietta meets with Saito in his cell and states that Tristain needs his legendary familiar power. She also asks that he become one of the few people whom she can trust. She reveals that Cromwell has been killed in his cell and that someone within Tristain is likely responsible (the perpetrator was earlier revealed to have obtained the Ring of Advari which Tabitha was to return to the Water Spirit). Henrietta then allows Louise into Saito’s cell. Louise rushes into his arms and starts crying with relief that Saito is unhurt, much to his dismay. The queen seems sad at seeing them embrace. On returning home under escort, Agnes tells them that any future messages from the queen will be passed on using the code name “Zero”. She then tells Saito that she will overlook his indiscretion with the queen this time but that in the future she will not be so lenient. Back in their room, Louise insists that Saito explain the misunderstanding that Agnes mentioned and, assuming the worst, returns to her previous treatment of him. The next morning, Agnès rushes in to find Louise holding a riders’ crop and sitting astride a beaten and half-naked Saito. Embarrassed, she retreats momentarily then returns to inform them that Henrietta has been kidnapped.

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