Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi – Episode 7

Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi – Episode 7

“The Underground Secret Document”
“Chitei no Himitsu Bunsho” (地底の秘密文書)

Henrietta is convinced to sign a declaration of war against Albion. News of a victorious battle for the Tristain and Germania allied forces reaches a town that Louise and Saito are currently in. Saito discovers a sailor uniform on sale at a clothes merchants shop, but buys it for Siesta instead of Louise. At the academy, Louise and Saito join Agnès and Julio as they explore a secret archive hidden beneath the school, to which Agnès was denied permission. Agnès wishes to obtain information that concerns the burning of her hometown of D’Angleterre. Eleonore is picked to open the lock to the entrance. As Mr. Colbert and the group heads farther down, they are joined by Siesta, who wears the sailor uniform Saito gave her earlier. Discovering that Saito gave the sailor uniform to Siesta because Louise lacked the chest size to make it look good, Louise blows a part of the cave in the way they came. With little to do but move further, the group finds the archives and sent to look for the records. When Siesta trips and makes a mess of the books, Eléonore returns them to their proper place with magic, which triggers the archives’ security system and begins to bring the bookshelves to a close. Agnès finally finds the information, but a part of the page that lists the person who led the attack is missing. The group narrowly escapes the collapsing of the bridge that led them to the archives. Upon realizing that Louise had blocked their way out, Julio grants Saito permission to have intimate moments with Siesta. Siesta is happy to oblige and Saito also thinks it a good idea; however, Louise watches and prepares to blow something else up. When Saito points out that the cave which she blew up earlier is in the opposite direction, Louise tells him to shut up and blows them up.

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