Tag: Nosebleed
Chobits – Episode 17
ちぃ まかなう Chii Makanau Chi Provides Hideki has lost his wallet and cannot buy anything to eat. Chi wants to give him a meal to make him happy, so she…
Chobits – Episode 16
ちぃ 何もしない Chii Nanimo Shinai Chi Doesn’t Do Anything Hideki wakes up with Sumomo in his bag. Then he finds out that Shinbo has run away with Ms. Shimizu and…
Chobits – Episode 15
ちぃ もてなす Chii Motenasu Chi Entertains Ms. Shimizu suddenly shows up at Hideki’s apartment and spends the night. She doesn’t say why, but she asks him if he prefers Persocoms…
Chobits – Episode 14
ちぃ 海いく Chii Umi Iku Chi Goes to the Ocean Hideki, Shinbo, Chi, Ms. Hibiya, Yumi, and Ms. Shimizu (their prep school teacher) decide to go to Minoru’s Beach House…
Chobits – Episode 13
ちい 遊ぶ Chii Asobu Chi Plays Hideki gets a DVD player and an online game from Minoru. He, Chi, Sumomo and Shinbo play the game together. However, Chi is somehow…
Chobits – Episode 12
ちぃ 確かめる Chii Tashikameru Chi Confirms Hideki is scared of a room in the apartment because of a horror story he heard at Minoru’s house when he was asking about…
Chobits – Episode 11
ちぃ 出会う Chii Deau Chi Meets Hideki gets a date with Yumi. While he’s out, Chi reads the sequel of her book, which awakens a part of her memory. As…
Chobits – Episode 10
ちぃ 買う Chii Kau Chi Buys Chi decides to use her money to buy the sequel to the book “A City with No People” and a porno magazine for Hideki,…
Chobits – Episode 9
新保·すもも 語る Shinbo·Sumomo Kataru Shinbo and Sumomo Chat Sumomo is running low on memory space, so she asks her owner, Shinbo, what he wants to erase. He starts at Sumomo’s…
Chobits – Episode 8
ちぃ とまどう Chii Tomadou Chi Bewildered During the events in the previous episode, Chi’s defense mechanism activates and puts her in a trance-like state that results in her jumping from…
Chobits – Episode 7
ちぃ 働く Chii Hataraku Chi Works Chi wants to find a job to so she can help Hideki pay for their expenses. But Chi, being Chi, manages to get an…
Chobits – Episode 6
ちぃ 弱る Chii Yowaru Chi Weakens Hideki begins to worry because Chi seems to be tired constantly. He talks to Shinbo about this, and learns that Persocoms need to be…
Chobits – Episode 5
ちぃ 見つける Chii Mitsukeru Chi Finds Hideki is facing his first practice exam and goes to the book store to buy an English dictionary since he forgot his own at…
Chobits – Episode 4
ちぃ おつかい Chii Otsukai Chi Goes on Errands Hideki comes to realizes that Chi doesn’t have “pantsu” (“Underpants” in the dub). Since he’s too embarrassed to get them himself, he…
Chobits – Episode 3
ちぃ おぼえる Chii Oboeru Chi Learns Chi begins learning words from Hideki, who is running very low on money. He decides to get a job to pay for his living…
Chobits – Episode 2
ちぃ 出かける Chii Dekakeru Chi Goes Out Hideki wants to find out more about Chi, so he takes her to Shinbo’s friend Minoru Kokubunji, who is a rich but very…
Chobits – Episode 1
ちぃ 目覚める Chii Mezameru Chi Awakens Hideki Motosuwa is an 18-year-old student living with the short end of the stick. He’s short of money, has to go to prep school,…