Samurai Champloo – Episode 24
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 24

“Evanescent Encounter (Part 1)” “Circle of Transmigration 1 / Shōji Ruten sono ichi” (生死流転 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin have finally arrived in Nagasaki to find Ikitsuki island in search…

Air – Episode 9
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Air – Episode 9

つき -moon- Tsuki: Moon Moon Kanna’s mother claims to be “tainted”. They all escape from the mountain but their pursuers manage to kill Kanna’s mother. Before she dies, she passes…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 23
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 23

“Baseball Blues” “Heart and Soul Into the Ball / Ikkyū Nyūkon” (一球入魂) An American sea vessel arrives in town and a canny ninja-turned-team manager enlists our heroes to do battle…

Air – Episode 8
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Air – Episode 8

なつ -summer- Natsu: Summer Summer This story takes place 1000 years before the Dream arc. Kanna is a girl with wings confined to a palace with a friend, Uraha, and…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 22
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 22

“Cosmic Collisions” “Anger Shot Toward Heaven / Dohatsu Shōten” (怒髪衝天) On the way to Nagasaki the trio fall through a mine shaft. They’re introduced to its charismatic owner and start…

Air – Episode 7
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Air – Episode 7

ゆめ -dream- Yume: Dream Dream There are a number of flashbacks that Yukito has of his mother telling him about the girl with wings, about how she will forget everything…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 21
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 21

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2)” “Generous Elegy 2 / Hikakōgai sono ni” (悲歌慷慨 其之弐) Jin learns the Way of Water, a woman’s sorrow comes to an end, and Mugen both…

Air – Episode 6
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Air – Episode 6

ほし -star- Hoshi: Star Star After Minagi’s mother’s mental condition has caused her to forget she has a daughter, Minagi leaves home and joins Yukito. Yukito tells Minagi he’s leaving…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 20
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 20

“Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 1)” “Generous Elegy 1 / Hikakōgai sono ichi” (悲歌慷慨 其之壱) Fuu, Mugen and Jin meet up with a blind girl who is a traveling musician. Because…

Air – Episode 5
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Air – Episode 5

つばさ -wing- Tsubasa: Wing Wing Yukito ends up spending the day with Minagi and Michiru while Misuzu is at school. Yukito walks Minagi home after being invited to go stargazing…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 19
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 19

“Unholy Union” “Karma and Retribution / Ingaōhō” (因果応報) A cynical charlatan fleeces the hidden Christian flock, Fuu gets closer to the Sunflower Samurai, and a truth is finally revealed.

Air – Episode 4
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Air – Episode 4

はね -plume- Hane: Plume Plume Kano strangles Yukito in her zombie-like state near the shrine hard enough to leave a mark before falling unconscious. Back at the clinic, Hijiri apologizes…

Samurai Champloo – Episode 18
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Samurai Champloo – Episode 18

“War of the Words” “Pen in One Hand, Sword in the Other / Bunburyōdō” (文武両道) Fuu gets a facelift when kids trade in the sword for the graffiti brush; Jin…

Air – Episode 3
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Air – Episode 3

こえ -whisper- Koe: Whisper Whisper Surroundings of Yukito and Misuzu briefly change from the shrine to a cropland as a result of Kano’s experience. After a confrontation with Hijiri, Yukito…

Air – Episode 2
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Air – Episode 2

まち -town- Machi: Town Town Yukito explains to Misuzu the quest of the cursed girl with wings that had been in his family for generations. The next day Yukito’s puppet…

Air – Episode 1
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Air – Episode 1

かぜ -breeze- Kaze: Breeze Breeze Yukito Kunisaki arrives to the town in hopes of making money for food with his puppet show. He meets Misuzu Kamio, a strange girl living…

Elfen Lied – Episode 13
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Elfen Lied – Episode 13

不還 Fugen No Return ~ Erleuchtung (lit. Illumination) Mariko regains the ability to use her vectors and stages one final meeting with Lucy. They meet, and Lucy goes into a…

Elfen Lied – Episode 12
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Elfen Lied – Episode 12

泥濘 Deinei Quagmire ~ Taumeln (lit. Tumble) The past which Kohta had tried to forget eight years ago comes back to him as he remembers that Lucy took revenge on…

Elfen Lied – Episode 11
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Elfen Lied – Episode 11

錯綜 Sakusō Complication ~ Vermischung (lit. Intermixing) Mariko is revealed to be the true identity of No. 35. Under supervision from staff at the facility, she is released as a…

Elfen Lied – Episode 10
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Elfen Lied – Episode 10

嬰児 Eiji Infant ~ Säugling (lit. Infant) Kurama’s past is explained in this episode. He was a good friend of Professor Kazukawa, who invited Kurama to work with him and…