Zero no Tsukaima – Episode 12

Zero no Tsukaima – Episode 12

“Zero Treasure”
“Zero no Hihō” (ゼロの秘宝)

Louise informs Henrietta of the prince’s death, and the princess’ wedding is cancelled. Louise also warns Osmond about the Reconquista. Osmond then tells her about Void magic and Gandálfr. After another argument with Louise, Saito leaves the academy and accompanies Siesta to her home village of Talbes. Louise and others follow them and they locate the rare dragon, which Siesta’s family has kept as an heirloom. Saito finds a tombstone with Japanese epitaph on it. The dragon turns out to be an A6M Zero Fighter, a Japanese aircraft used in World War II. It is revealed that Siesta’s great-grandfather was Japanese and that he was magically transported to Halkeginia. They bring the fighter back to school where Colbert explains that two “dragons” had flown during a solar eclipse, but one disappeared. Colbert suggests that the timing of the second pilot (Siesta’s great-grandfather) was off, and that the solar eclipse ended before the second pilot was able to fly through the portal. Saito concludes that the other pilot returned home, and this is his chance to return home as well. Albion declares war on Tristain, wanting to use the country as a base from which they can conquer the rest of the continent and plan to launch their attack in three days time, on the day of the solar eclipse.

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