Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo – Episode 12

Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo – Episode 12

“Wings of Freedom”
“Jiyū no Tsubasa” (自由の翼)

Louise has a nightmare in which she loses the ability to cast magic. Saito finds Tabitha reading a book in the forest, and she began to teach him the words, but Louise interrupts, telling Saito that she can no longer use magic. Tabitha says that she will protect Saito since Louise is unable to do so. In Tristan, Henrietta dispatches the Ostland and Colbert to rendezvous with Saito, carrying a type of cannon which seems to be a German FlaK 36, and Agnès offers the assistance of the Musketeer Force. Saito, under Tabitha’s guidance, learns to read quickly, while Louise broods over her inability to cast magic. Overhearing Tabitha telling Saito that under the influence of Gandálfr, the heart will experience changes, Louise wonders if Saito loves her because of Gandálfr’s influence. Just before crossing the border, the Jormungand; Square-class golem, with Sheffield on its shoulder, lands in front of the carriage and blocking off the route into Tristan. Illococoo and Tabitha fly to the air, in order to lure Sheffield away. Saito realises her objective is Louise, but Louise jumps out of the carriage and gets caught. Guiche, Kirche, and Tabitha’s attacks prove ineffective against the golem. Saito’s attacks are easily stopped by Counter, and Louise decides to sacrifice herself for her friends. Saito leaps to attack the golem again, releases Louise, and Slyphid saves them in time. Colbert has unloaded the cannon, which Saito examines using his powers. He quickly fires at the golem, but is stopped by Counter. Colbert, Kirche, and Malicorne unleash their most powerful spells, and manage to stop its advance. Derflinger tells Saito that Dispel needs to be cast onto the shells, and Louise refuses, saying she can’t do it. Tabitha then kisses Saito, eliciting feelings of intense jealousy in Louise, causing her Void powers to be activated again. Louise casts Dispel on the ammunition, which successfully pierces the Counter and destroys the golem. On the Ostland, Louise awakens to see Saito; he hugs her, saying he does not love her just because he is Gandálfr. Then they looked at each other and kissed. Back in Tristan, Louise kneels before the Queen, awaiting punishment for defying her. Henrietta instead awards her the royal mantle, declaring that Louise is now her sister and second successor to the throne, as well as returning Saito, Malicorne, and Guiche their chevalier cloak reinstating their noble status. She then welcomes Tabitha as Princess Charlotte back to Tristan. The ending credits show when Louise tries to explode Saito when she sees Tabitha holding onto Saito, Sylphid grabs Saito and escapes with Tabitha.

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